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Staff experience attribute

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medal 5000
4 years 299 days ago
I've read the forum extensively on this topic and there are conflicting answers which directly contradict each other from moderators and admin.

Please can someone tell me if staff (not drivers) actually improve their experience attribute after a number of races or over time. Some answers say yes, others say no.

My hunch would be they must do otherwise there would be no point having the attribute in the first place.

Thanks for your clarification. 
medal 5000
4 years 298 days ago

I've read the forum extensively on this topic and there are conflicting answers which directly contradict each other from moderators and admin.

Please can someone tell me if staff (not drivers) actually improve their experience attribute after a number of races or over time. Some answers say yes, others say no.

My hunch would be they must do otherwise there would be no point having the attribute in the first place.

Thanks for your clarification. 

Imo it reduces the 'randomness' of drivers pace. (Yes I have got another account don't judge my rep)
medal 5000
4 years 298 days ago (Last edited by John Doe 4 years 298 days ago)
I've read the forum extensively on this topic and there are conflicting answers which directly contradict each other from moderators and admin.

Please can someone tell me if staff (not drivers) actually improve their experience attribute after a number of races or over time. Some answers say yes, others say no.

My hunch would be they must do otherwise there would be no point having the attribute in the first place.

Thanks for your clarification. 


The talent of the staff is random, the experience of the staff increases every 10 races, while for the moral attribute after the first race, you will get the same number as the level of your 'Offices and Hospitality' .
That said, it has no impact on the performance of your car.
What counts are only the stars and the level, the staff must be on a par with your manager level.

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