Benjamin Ogieriakhi medal 5000 11 years 197 days ago
Is It Possible To Transfer 2d Trials?
If So How?
If Not, Can You Make it possible Please :D

Jaap Grolleman medal 5000 11 years 197 days ago
It's not possible and in my opinion shouldn't be, as trials should be a limited resource since they're for the act testing and trying the 2D viewer. They're not intended for you to make unlimited accounts and then send yourself trials as a cheap escape to evade paying for the game which a lot of people have put considerate effort and money into.

Benjamin Ogieriakhi medal 5000 11 years 197 days ago
Very true.
Though Couldnt there be a Maximum you could recieve Like 1 Or Somthing?

Jaap Grolleman medal 5000 11 years 197 days ago
You get three. That's both a maximum and minimum.