Lanny Kness medal 5000 11 years 187 days ago
My friend and i are in this race:
And our cars finshed 2nd (Blue Mountain Racing) and 3rd (Team Zombie). For fun, i make a chart that shows our pace per lap by copying all lap elapsed times and accumlating the elapsed time per lap. When i did it for this race, I showed Team Zombie completing the race in 2496.627 seconds and Blue Mountain Racing did it in 2497.421 seconds - 0.794 seconds after Team Zombie. So the reported finish order does not match the reported lap times. One of them is off, which one?

Andrew Hurn medal 5000 11 years 187 days ago
Lanny, this has cropped up a couple of times before. The reported order & total time details are correct. The lap times are calculated differently however & there is a rounding problem in there, which so far has evaded attempts to rectify.
This means that the reported lap times could be out by as much as a hundredth, but sadly this is not consistent, which means some laps will be timed correctly & some will not. None of this has any affect on what you see or the results, it is merely a problem in the reporting of the lap time.