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Dark Sky Weather

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medal 5000
4 years 302 days ago
Given the Dark Sky situation, is there any plan to change the weather API?

Best Solution -- Selected by José Trujillo

medal 5685 Community Manager
4 years 302 days ago

The API will still be available for one more year. We'll take decisions once the end gets closer. We'll announce the changes with enough advance. Thank you!
medal 5685 Community Manager
4 years 302 days ago

The API will still be available for one more year. We'll take decisions once the end gets closer. We'll announce the changes with enough advance. Thank you!
medal 5000
4 years 293 days ago
Hi folks,

Just wondering now that dark sky has been bought and announced that they will withdraw support for their APIs, I assume this will impact where you draw your weather data from?

Any plans on when you will change to a different service?
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