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Question on Setups

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medal 5000
4 years 276 days ago
Is it ever beneficial to stray from the “ideal setup” for a circuit. 

Ex: if ideal setup is wing height 4 for Monza and you drop it to 1, will you perform better lap times?

Or if at Malaysia the driver suggests ride height 30 but you bump it down to 26 to try and gain some time in the tight corners?

Let me know your thoughts if you’ve tried this.
medal 5079
4 years 275 days ago
Hi Brett,advice to always follow the set-up required by the driver (who goes according to his height) in free practice it often happens that with a different set-up the time is better but on a race with several laps you certainly lose having a less than ideal set-up
medal 5000
4 years 274 days ago

Hi Brett,advice to always follow the set-up required by the driver (who goes according to his height) in free practice it often happens that with a different set-up the time is better but on a race with several laps you certainly lose having a less than ideal set-up

Thanks for the advice, Roberto
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