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Buying a new driver

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medal 5000
4 years 276 days ago
I'm now level 5 and was wondering whether I should just be training the person I own already or if I should buy someone new?

What's the key things to look for when buying a new driver? 

medal 5000
4 years 276 days ago
It really depends on how long you plan to keep the driver. If it's long term you should be looking for a driver with high talent points as these will become more important as your driver levels up, preferably talent 20. If it's for short term to grab a few quick wins and hunt down a promotion spot or possibly even championship winner place then try grab a driver with high driving ability and as low a weight as you can find.
medal 5000
4 years 276 days ago (Last edited by Chloe-Louise Clifford 4 years 276 days ago)
Okay thank you 

Does there talent have to be high? 
medal 5000
4 years 276 days ago
Talent determines quality of driver . Talent 20 level 10 driver is better than Talent 5 level 10 .
medal 5000
4 years 275 days ago
Thank you for the info. 

Happy Racing
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