I know this subject as been reviewed and altered to combat the Half Season Maxed out Cars. Yes I understand the reasoning for Increasing it, but I'm finding that with the current 200 Cap only level 20 teams, can really get anywhere close to getting decent cars. True you can no longer completely Max your Car, but nor can you get anywhere near it now. Currently we are coming to the end of our 40th Season and not one of my DP area's are Maxed, not 1 and there are still 2 of my Area's I haven't been able to touch for the entire Season and I'm level 19. May of the people in my League and perhaps more in others are slowly already seeing the future where the Lower level Teams will be getting a worse and worse car every season and it'll be taking longer and longer to even catch up to a decent starting car, let alone one that will remotely be competitive.
That being Said I am not against the Increase, far from it, it's added a Great Element of Design Strategy to the game, I just feel that it may be a little too high to reach for many teams to have a competitive car. My Suggestion is perhaps dropped the cap, not by more, but to a more reachable level say for example around 180 for Elite, 90 for Pro and the same 50 for Rookie.
I would like to knew other Players thoughts on this and also the Devs and Mods.
Thank you in advance