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Please help for money.

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medal 5000
11 years 134 days ago
I can't find money. If i fail in to 1 objective i am with a - in my money. I have good relationships with the partners but the wages are too high. And if i sack the drivers to retake them again with smaller wages i will pay for signing and i will have even a worst budget! Please help guys i run out of money all the time!
medal 5000
11 years 134 days ago
Resetting your team is your only solution, cuz you are having negative budget.
medal 5000
11 years 134 days ago
Dimitris, I have sent you a pm
medal 5000
11 years 134 days ago
comment on sponsors, contract them for 1 race, when race finished, contract them again for 1 race, when the next race finish, contract them again for 1 race.
- Every new contract = +1 relationship.
- In just 5 races you will have 10/10 relationship, and you will win 6.000.000 only by sponsors.
- The sponsors you have to select are: H2O2, Image Space, iRacing, Obutto or InsideSimRacing.

- for every new contract, you can claim the next prices:
5 relationshop = 1.170.000
6 relationship =  1.280.000
7 relationship =  1.280.000
8 relationship =  1.390.000
9 relationship =  1.390.000
10 relationship =  1.500.000

- Repair your cars only if they are under 40%, they will not crash, but you will be slower with low %, do this until you are under 3.000.000 money.
- Sell Facilities (you can repurchase them again) to get a few millions instantly.
- IMPORTANT: dont change drivers so fast! that the main problem for people with money problems, (in a 2 cars league)just hire 2 drivers per season, and if you renew them instead of hiring new drivers, is cheaper because you dont have to pay a new fee.
medal 5000
11 years 134 days ago
Thanks guys!
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