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Fuel weirdness

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medal 5127
4 years 294 days ago
Can someone explain please... Why when my guys come in to refuel... As they enter the pitlane my allotted fuel amount alters, then alters again seconds before they actually stop.

It drives me mad that I have to babysit the fuel guy when I really need to watching my other car on track.  So many times I have come out of the pits with 2 or 3 sometimes up to 5 laps too much fuel on board... or worse... NOT ENOUGH!!!

Why is this even a thing???  I say put 34 litres in, I expect 34 litres to be put in.
medal 5000
4 years 294 days ago
This also happens to me, I don't know why either...
medal 5000
4 years 294 days ago

Can someone explain please... Why when my guys come in to refuel... As they enter the pitlane my allotted fuel amount alters, then alters again seconds before they actually stop.

It drives me mad that I have to babysit the fuel guy when I really need to watching my other car on track.  So many times I have come out of the pits with 2 or 3 sometimes up to 5 laps too much fuel on board... or worse... NOT ENOUGH!!!

Why is this even a thing???  I say put 34 litres in, I expect 34 litres to be put in.

I think i have the factors but may leave your problems not quite solved. Number one the overall track telemetry places the fuel consumption. Number two, the overall pace you place on your drivers. Number three, the strategy. Number four, internal car fuel economy.

The only solution i can give you is to watch when you pit. The dash of "pitting in ... laps" may be relevant. In term of precaution, the ammount of litres indicates how many laps it will last. You can set driver at lower pace or you should make the fuel more than your box schedule by around 1 laps or pointing the decimal number.

Hope this helps, best regards
medal 5144 Super Mod
4 years 294 days ago
Hi Craig

I'm not going to patronise you with a bunch of suggestions about mistakes you might be making, you have over 800 races experience so I'm going to assume you know exactly how the game is supposed to work.

I've noticed a few reports of fuel irregularities recently so I'm going to move this one to the bugs section. Unfortunately most of these reports have been quite vague and I'm not sure the developers can do any effective analysis with a report that just says the fuel load changed.

It would be appreciated if you could elaborate on your experience of this problem. So information such as whether the "fuel weirdness" happens in the browser or app, whether the fuel loaded in the pit stop differs from the pre-selected main strategy or whether it is not reacting correctly to fuel changes made "on the fly" during the race. If the latter please can you explain how you're adjusting the fuel  load.

The icing on the cake would be a video demonstrating the problem.

Anyhow, thanks for reporting and if you or anybody else can provide more details that would be great.
medal 5000
4 years 294 days ago
did you notice if you crossed the line in the pit lane when this happens, i wonder if the game changes it due to crossing the finishing line.

ive had problems in the past with fuel shortages when i know i've put more than 1 lap extra in it still nearly runs out sometimes, i put it down to temps changing meaning more fuel usage but i don't even know if that's a thing on this game,lol

medal 5144 Super Mod
4 years 294 days ago
Thanks Dan

But if I understand Craig's report correctly this isn't a case of manager miscalculation or even an issue with the in-race "estimated laps remaining" calculation, rather it's a report that says he asked for "X" litres when the car pitted and it came out of the pits with "Y".
medal 5000
4 years 294 days ago
I often have this bug and just leave it hoping it will be normal. For example I am pitting for 10.0 laps on the next stint. However when I enter the pit lane it is usually a few litres out and it says ‘pitting for 10.6 laps. This means I have overfueled, but if I quickly decrease the fuel load it might end up under fueling, it sometimes shows the correct figure as I pull away, but how are you meant to know!
Thanks Dan

But if I understand Craig's report correctly this isn't a case of manager miscalculation or even an issue with the in-race "estimated laps remaining" calculation, rather it's a report that says he asked for "X" litres when the car pitted and it came out of the pits with "Y".

medal 4987 Moderator
4 years 294 days ago
Please can we forget about laps. Laps are an estimate and it's a naturally given that relying on them at the wrong moment will end you with the wrong amount of fuel, as it has to be based on changing variables and getting it right is hitting a constantly moving target.

What matters is litres of fuel. Litres you set in strategy for a stint you should see unchanged in race viewer setting up that stint, if you click add one litre it should add one litre (not like adding 2, removing one, adding 1, removing one, adding 2... with every click or if going too fast), and the last amount set before pit deadline should be the one displayed in the cars tank leaving box. If there's a difference anywhere not through user input something's wrong. The OP spoke of litres, which rings alarm bells for me.
medal 5144 Super Mod
4 years 294 days ago (Last edited by Kevin Bissell 4 years 294 days ago)
Hello Luke.

I think yours is a different problem. Your issue is with the "estimated laps remaining" which will change with push level and boost usage. For this reason I NEVER use the in-race lap calculation to decide how much fuel to load. I know from practice or previous race data how many litres my cars are going to use on average for each lap. I use this information to pre-set my race strategy in the main strategy tab. I very rarely change this strategy during the race but if I need to change to react to another manager pitting unexpectedly or more likely a change in weather condition I use my offline litres/lap information to determine the fuel load.

If at the end of your stint you have 1.1 litres or more fuel remaining you got it wrong.

I still want to understand Craig's problem which appears to be unrelated to the lap calculation... 

Why is this even a thing???  I say put 34 litres in, I expect 34 litres to be put in.

Edit. Haha, typing at the same time... What Frank said LOL
medal 5000
4 years 294 days ago
I don't have any data or details right now but I have also had this issue a few times lately. I always assumed that it must have been me who had set up the wrong fuel but now when I see others reporting this I will record and document it more carefully to see if it happens again. 

I had a crashed hard drive  a few months ago and lost my excel file with all my old data, so lately I have been adjusting the stint lengths during the race. So in my case, I only had this issue when I adjusted fuel during the race. And yes I am talking about actual fuel in the tank, not the estimated laps.

I will on purpose change my fuel as much as possible during the race and try to catch it on video.
medal 5127
4 years 292 days ago
Lets just say that 9 times out of ten, whenever I pit or cross the finish line.  I have less that 0.5 litres of fuel left... if I havent run out.

So yeh, I know how to calculate fuel.

The problem I have is when I calculate fuel... then for some inexplicable reason... the game alters my calculations without my input. Highly frustrating.
medal 5677 Community Manager
4 years 292 days ago

We're working on this issue and will be fixed soon.
medal 5000
4 years 292 days ago
Cosa hai provato a fare?
a normal pit

Cosa è successo invece?
in austria during each of the stints the setted fuel at the pit decreased. for example I had set 16 laps with 32 liters of fuel for the next pit. after the first lap I consumed 2 and the fuel setted for the next was 30, after the second lap I consumed 2 more and the fuel setted for the next pit dropped to 28. I found myself on the lap before the pit that would have put me 2 liters of fuel. thank goodness that I noticed and changed. he did this to others too.

Il problema si è verificato durante l'utilizzo di dati Wi-Fi, mobili o entrambi?

Il problema si è verificato nell'App, sul PC o in entrambi?

Quale sistema operativo ha il tuo PC?
win 7

In quale browser hai riscontrato il problema?

Può essere riprodotto il bug?
i havent the screen. i was competing

Commenti addizionali:
medal 5677 Community Manager
4 years 292 days ago

We just released a potential fix for this. This topic will remain open to confirm this fix or not. Thank you! ?
medal 5021 Super Mod
4 years 288 days ago
medal 5000
4 years 282 days ago
In the last race, my pit stops was a madness. In both pits, the game put in mi cars more or less fuel than i was selected. I had to do 4 less laps in the second pit for this, and in the third pit, both cars recharged more fuel than i selected. Those thing made the worst race in this season. Please, check this
medal 5000
4 years 282 days ago
Probably unrelated and maybe fixed already, as I never look at both anymore. 

The fuel amount in litres is always higher on the drivers info hub at the bottom of the screen, it never matches the litres selected using the strategy tab at the top of the screen. (It's been like that for years)
medal 5000
4 years 282 days ago
James, makes sense that the amounts during race and in the strategy hub are different since the latter is based on estimations only. However, I ran into a related and frustrating issue on Sunday 10th, just 8 days ago and right after the bug was supposed to be fixed:

I set X amount of litres (let's say that is enough for 19.3 laps) to my two drivers 5 laps before entering the pit lane. Then, my 2nd driver pitted and the estimation was the same, 19.3 laps, and pretty spotted on to what I had estimated while preparing the strategy. As soon as my 2nd driver refueled, all of sudden, he had less fuel and the estimation jumped to 18.5 laps, which was not what I had set. And one lap less than planned is still fine, but 4 laps is crazy and can cause you a real trouble during race. It just doesn't make sense to be this unreliable
medal 5144 Super Mod
4 years 282 days ago
Please will everyone stop talking about quantity of fuel in terms of laps. Fuel in this game is measured in Litres.

If you selected to refuel to 35 litres but the car exits the pits with something other than 35 litres then this is a bug and the devs need to investigate it. 

To say the pit stop fuel load was set to be 20 laps but when I exited the pits I only had 19 laps means nothing because the range is an estimate and may change for a variety of reasons including Push Level and use of Boost.

If there is a bug with refuelling can someone please give an example where they've requested X LITRES but when the car pits they get something different in terms of LITRES. If you can give us the race ID that would help and if you can provide a video that would be the icing on the cake.

medal 5000
4 years 282 days ago
Sorry to hear that Alberto, I just voicing my opinions. 

Using less fuel can be using Push Level 1 & push level 2 - Fuel and Tyre wear should be lower using them, but only fuel is lower Now! (They removed the tyre savings)

Using more fuel can be using push level 4 & push level 5 - Fuel & Tyre wear should be higher using them, and it is higher!

VSC, Yellow Flags, Safety Car - will lower the amount needed, cars going slower burning less fuel, would and should cause the estimated laps to fluctuate causing problems if your pitting and just going by the numbers at the time of pitting not seeing the true numbers. 

As for the drivers hub and strategy tab fuel not matching up. I'm talking about in the race viewer the two should be linked and giving identical readings but they don't.

There was an issue long ago and they said not to use the quick select on the drivers hub until they got it sorted out.
I've never ever started using it again even when they said it was fixed!
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