Ali Bratt medal 5000 11 years 159 days ago
what was the issue pole to 11th

Yuri Kasdorp medal 5000 11 years 159 days ago
You used Softs which wore out heavily before your stop.

Andrew Hurn medal 5000 11 years 159 days ago
Ali, I will send you a pm

James Young medal 5000 11 years 152 days ago
Additionally, it looks like you wore out your Hards in a similar fashion to your Softs. Ideally, your lap time should almost always be quicker than the lap before (unless you've gone from high push to medium or low push). By your lap times I'd say you probably told your drivers to Push Hard, and left them there. This will overheat the tires, especially at a track like Bahrain, which has high temperatures.
In my experience, for most of the year you have to leave your drivers on minimum push in Bahrain to keep the Soft tires working. The last time I raced Bahrain, even leaving my drivers on minimum push from the moment the lights went out, the Softs overheated to the point of slowing down in six laps, and even then once they were hot you couldn't cool them down. Abu Dhabi is similar in this regard (though slightly easier on tires than Bahrain), and Italy it's nearly impossible to keep Softs cool (due to high average speed over a lap).
Typically, the best way to use the tires is to run maximum push until they are at optimal operating temperature, and then tell your driver to run a lower push level that will keep the tires at this temperature.

Panuruj Pongsuthirak medal 5000 11 years 152 days ago
Me too. i'm racing in Malaysia starting from pole, and down to 5th in just 1 LAP!!!, yes, 1
What did I do wrong?