Ricardo Gonçalves medal 5000 11 years 155 days ago
in the last days that is supossed my chassis get developed, it won't happened. And i don't understand why.
I haven´t change nothing in reasearch, and i still have 15 designers attached to chassis. Every other parts sitll getting developed normaly.
Althought the chassis is the mover developed part, but it it since the beguining of the season, and ounly now (14 races after) it stop.
Could any one explain me what is happening? is it normal?
thank you

Akisch Ramen medal 5000 11 years 155 days ago
if its at 100% it wont develop anymore!!

DJ Morris medal 5000 11 years 155 days ago
If you go to the design page their is something in the top right that tells you you're maximum performance.
You're chassis must have reached your maximum performance

Andrew Hurn medal 5000 11 years 155 days ago
Ricardo, I have just had a look at your account.
As your design level increases, it will take more designers to produce the next upgrade. If you put more than 15 on the chassis you will see the date change. You might consider taking some of the staff you have assisgned to commerce & transfering them to design

Ricardo Gonçalves medal 5000 11 years 154 days ago
thank you,
i thouth that the percentage of developmen was always the same.
you can close the post