Charlie Walton medal 5000 11 years 155 days ago
If you are a noob (new to the game), you may be interested in joing my league, the FIA Formula 1 World Championships. Its just me and my brother in it at the moment, were both pretty bad and we want some more competition. We race on what I beleive to be the most convenient day, which are Wednesday, Friday and Saturday although apon the majorities request this can be changed. We will be happy to help anyone who needs help. I consider it to be a friendly helpful league. So, what are you waiting for, join the FIA Formula 1 World Championships now.

Victor Cereijo medal 5000 11 years 155 days ago
another league more, I think there are more leagues than players ...

Andrew Hurn medal 5000 11 years 155 days ago
I have moved this to the league section
Other leagues are available