I've had 2 races with different teams in different leagues and in both races for 1 of the drivers the kers has stayed on when released and burnt it all off in one go.
Suspect this bit of code refers to the problem? (US Saturday and Sunday, Brazil)
sending: KersActivate[time:1.38161882E9 driverId:134499 activate:true]
sending: KersActivate[time:1.38161882E9 driverId:134499 activate:false]
sending: KersActivate[time:1.38161882E9 driverId:134499 activate:true]
sending: KersActivate[time:1.38161894E9 driverId:134499 activate:false]
sending: KersActivate[time:1.38161894E9 driverId:134499 activate:true]
sending: KersActivate[time:1.38161894E9 driverId:134499 activate:false]
Other race affected was Thursday, Rotating Ferrets, China, Driver Hahn 67991
(In this instance I tried hitting kers for the other driver but it didn't stop it burning off.)