JJ Racing medal 5000 11 years 151 days ago
Would it add more tension to the game? It could be somethink like, if two drivers are both pushing hard with more red tires and their gap is less than 0.1 secs they could crash and they'd lose some speed, maybe have to pit to get new wings. Drivers experience could also be factor to avoid collisions or make less harm to cars speed. It could be even, that unexperience driver with push hard and red tires could hit the wall just by himself. :D It'd be realistic I think.

Teo Fabulous medal 5000 11 years 151 days ago
It'd be more realistic, yes, but realism is not always wanted, especially around here - have you seen how many people have bitterly complained that drivers push hard in qualifying?

James Young medal 5000 11 years 151 days ago
I'm of two minds about this.
On the one hand, done properly, this could add relevance to Mental training, if perhaps you had to have high mental training for your driver(s) to not make errors/have accidents.
On the other, this has the potential for causing a poor experience on the gameplay side, if perhaps your driver were to crash on his own while pushing, or if they were to be taken out in someone else's accident.

JJ Racing medal 5000 11 years 151 days ago
Maybe it could be something what can happen only to +10level drivers or in Elite tier only. That way it wouldn't make extra harm to newcomers, but would add challenge to more experienced players. Just a thought.

Yuri Kasdorp medal 5000 11 years 151 days ago
It's already in the game, but it's with very small mistakes, couple of thenths and more likely when on higher push levels

Arthur Akopyan medal 5000 11 years 151 days ago
Implement crashes in the game and I swear none of Yuri's cars are going to finish a single race, I'll do my best to ensure this!

Andrew Hurn medal 5000 11 years 151 days ago
lol Arthur

Arthur Akopyan medal 5000 11 years 151 days ago
What I meant to say by that (besides what I actually said) is that crashing can be used by managers as a tool to take out your rivals. It will be exploited in the game, and a punishment system for those managers is almost impossible to make. Not to mention that a punishment system for the drivers will become a part of the game, and all that is so complicated that I can't see this being considered by the devs in the near (and further) future.

Yuri Kasdorp medal 5000 11 years 151 days ago
Implement crashes in the game and I swear none of Yuri's cars are going to finish a single race, I'll do my best to ensure this!
not if your drivers are out first >:D

Uncle Albert medal 5000 11 years 151 days ago
A few of us was talking to Jack in TS about the crashing..
It is a lot lot harder to implement then you might think... You need a balance so it doesn't just pick on some teams and leave others alone and then cause people to rage..
The idea I told Jack was. Cars that fail on parts during the race... If another car is close to them, then there could be a possibilty of that car taking out the one behind it.. Even if it's for position or being lapped.. It is also a nice way to keep the league owner on top of the AFK managers.

JJ Racing medal 5000 11 years 150 days ago (edited 11 years 150 days ago)
I'd sure like some randomness and sure I know it would be hard to implement. I'm software developer myself and don't expect rushed decisions as I said just an idea.
I think it is natural too, that leading managers in leagues are against all kind of changes while managers like me who try to get to the top would like to see some changes that could give some new thinking to leading managers and then they will be like losing their consistency and game totally and Arthur & Yuri will both be super stressed and never win a race again. So that was kind of my point there :D
I think it's just awesome, which kind of competition this game brings in. I just love it. :)

Benjamin Ogieriakhi medal 5000 11 years 150 days ago
Innocent Webber's Taken Out For No Reason. I Mean People.

JJ Racing medal 5000 11 years 150 days ago
Webber is no innocent.! He tried to be a champion! It's like they said in unknown TV-series:
"When you play game of thrones, you win or you die."
Innocent people don't chase glory, triumphs or championships Ben! Innocent people do jobs like farming, cleaning, baking, sweeping streets or something like that, maybe be racers housewifes.
It's like if you drive F1 someday, you must have beaten so many peoples dreams by being better than them, that there is no way you can be innocent there. You can and maybe even should try to be, but you can't, don't you see. Webber is great driver and I think good human however, my opinion about his innocency doesn't affect that. I think firing him was also well-founded. Just good business and simply clever. No bad feelings.

Jaap Grolleman medal 5000 11 years 150 days ago
I wouldn't mind retirements or crashes caused by randomly generated numbers, but... I do want to be able to have influence on it.
Like, to tell my driver to speed up or slow down in order to decrease and increase speed gain and risk. Same with let's say an engine failure; I want to be able to downtune it, to minimize the risk, or maximise speed at cost of risk.
It'd bring some interesting strategies into play, and if there is some influence on the randomness, I wouldn't be that much frustrated with it.
At least you could relate to 'well, that's motorracing'.

JJ Racing medal 5000 11 years 150 days ago
Good ideas Jaap, but again, this could be something what goes terribly wrong or could give some little extra to game, if done right. It'd need some serious thinking and even after that you'd ask is that kind of risk worth taking. Sure it'd be fun to player like me, if done right. But strategially to the game, it could also be seriously bad decision too. I just can't figure out pattern too, which could make it harder to more advanced managers than rookies and be logigally done in racing point of view. Only in cases, where manager wouldn't mentally can do his overtakings in right way, it would cause wanted effect.
My next idea would be adding extra weight to drivers who have wins or more points, like they do in DTM. That change would need to be implemented immediately! :D

Jaap Grolleman medal 5000 11 years 150 days ago
Good ideas Jaap, but again, this could be something what goes terribly wrong or could give some little extra to game, if done right. It'd need some serious thinking and even after that you'd ask is that kind of risk worth taking. Sure it'd be fun to player like me, if done right. But strategially to the game, it could also be seriously bad decision too. I just can't figure out pattern too, which could make it harder to more advanced managers than rookies and be logigally done in racing point of view. Only in cases, where manager wouldn't mentally can do his overtakings in right way, it would cause wanted effect.
My next idea would be adding extra weight to drivers who have wins or more points, like they do in DTM. That change would need to be implemented immediately! :D
Well, what I don't want is randomness for the sake of randomness. That's not good gameplay.
A small element of luck is fine, and you should be able to increase and decrease risks in return for benefits.

JJ Racing medal 5000 11 years 150 days ago
Good ideas Jaap, but again, this could be something what goes terribly wrong or could give some little extra to game, if done right. It'd need some serious thinking and even after that you'd ask is that kind of risk worth taking. Sure it'd be fun to player like me, if done right. But strategially to the game, it could also be seriously bad decision too. I just can't figure out pattern too, which could make it harder to more advanced managers than rookies and be logigally done in racing point of view. Only in cases, where manager wouldn't mentally can do his overtakings in right way, it would cause wanted effect.
My next idea would be adding extra weight to drivers who have wins or more points, like they do in DTM. That change would need to be implemented immediately! :D
Well, what I don't want is randomness for the sake of randomness. That's not good gameplay.
A small element of luck is fine, and you should be able to increase and decrease risks in return for benefits.
I totally agree. First thought was it should be strategic decision, whether you take overtake with higher risk or are happy to lose some time and make it safely. In that way it could make end of season bit more chaotic, when managers desperately chasing championship and going "all-in". It could be fun! :D

Jake Goodhall medal 5000 11 years 150 days ago
The idea of introducing crashes was talked about a while back and (I think) was something that might be added in the future if seen as improving game play. The way it would work was to increase the 'accident rate' of the following:- new drivers who were low in certain attributes, tired/ill drivers, drivers made to take big risks and older drivers who maybe thought they were immortal, as well as a few other incidents which I forget now. All these are as it is in real life. Unfortunately this is not something that is likely to happen soon as I guess it is a huge piece of coding work.
However (and as always) this discussion is very useful so please don't stop.

JJ Racing medal 5000 11 years 150 days ago
I made some patterns too like:
Overtaker bravery, decisions, aggression, morale and health, push level
with defender focus, decisions, aggression, morale and health, push level
would be deciding factors.
In code there would be triggers like:
when overtake does happen
if overtaker and defender push levels are max
or if ovartaker push level is max or push hard with aggression > 15 and morale < 10 and defender focus or morale < 10 push level 4 or 5
these kind of scenarios would start random generator, which has random integer value of example 0,1,2 (0 gives change no collision, 1 gives change 0-10%, 2, 10-20%.) and driver skill factor, which together create percentage of accident to happen, which will give value if it is 11 or 19 percentage change. But there is maximum of 20% change to collision. Then it is calculated with another random number and given percentage, whether accident do happen or not.
It could be something like overtaker(bravery+decisions+morale+health) would give decreased value to possibility of crash and high aggression combined with lower bravery and decisions will increase possibility. There would be wanted percentage of accident to happen possibility.
Then with defender(focus, morale and decisions) would be key factors to avoiding collision and there are wanted possibility to avoid collision.
Then defender ability to avoid collision would affect the amount of harm he suffers from collision. With overtaker it could be everytime +10% to lap time, which could be repaired to pitting for new front wing. With defender lap time could be something between 1% and 5%, which could be repaired to pitting for new rear wing.
Then there are time penalties differently to change time of front (+5 secs to pit stop, refuel and tire change can be done simultaneously) and rear wing (+10 secs, refuel and tire change can be done simultaneously).And with that said I must fulfil my story, that even I am software developer, but I'm not working with iGPmanager crew, just in case if you thought I could actually do something. No, I can not. :D I can do only thinking of possibilities here. :)

Yuri Kasdorp medal 5000 11 years 150 days ago
And if you run a 100% race, drivers crash at the end that'd be fun :I