John Young medal 5000 11 years 148 days ago
I've just finished a race and recieved the 40xp needed to reach development level 5. However I am still on level 4 and when I place my mouse over the development level it is telling me that I require 0xp to level up. It's a bit annoying as I wanted to buy the next staff capacity upgrade so I can increase my cars development. Has anyone else experienced this and I assume I will level up after the next race?

Ciarán Gray medal 5000 11 years 148 days ago
Yeah that happened to me but you will level up after the next race

Gary Fliedner medal 5000 11 years 147 days ago
Happened to me after my race earlier today. Thought maybe the database needed to do a refresh (if that's even an issue, IDK), but it's been a couple hours now. Kinda sucks, I need to hire a couple staff and would rather be able to hire a level 5 person.

Peter Szitas medal 5000 11 years 146 days ago
Got this problem too, and I asked the support about this issue, here is their answer:
"The points are rounded on the profile screen, but have decimals behind the scenes, so while you are showing zero it as actually a bit above zero behind the scenes. Its a bit odd, but not a bug, Hope this clears it up some for you."

Gary Fliedner medal 5000 11 years 146 days ago
Thanks for posting Peter. That was something else I was thinking it might have been. At least we know for sure now.