R F medal 5000 11 years 145 days ago
In terms of degredation, whats the difference between hards and softs. Im racing next in turkey. Last season there I raced on hards and at the end of every stint they were at 58,54,and 54% left. If I put on softs instead, what would they be at roughly? Thanks.

Jay Andrews medal 5000 11 years 145 days ago
You are at level 12 and you are asking this question?

Jaap Grolleman medal 5000 11 years 145 days ago
You are at level 12 and you are asking this question?
That's a loaded question ;p

DJ Morris medal 5000 11 years 145 days ago
Considering turkey is a very high tyre wearing track personally I would stay away from softs but as the guys above say considering you're at level 12 you probably know better than me on level 6

Benjamin Ogieriakhi medal 5000 11 years 144 days ago
The speed difference between hard and softs is very much, or am i confused with a different track?

Andrew Hurn medal 5000 11 years 144 days ago
There is a big difference between hards & softs.

Chris Barrass medal 5000 11 years 144 days ago
I've always wondered something - are the hards and softs the same at every track, or are the hards "primes" and the softs "options"?

Andrew Hurn medal 5000 11 years 144 days ago
The tyres have the same attributes at every track. The tracks have different attributes.

Simon Thornes medal 5000 11 years 144 days ago
It depends on your push levels but as an example I used hards and softs at Turkey a few seasons back the hards were at 70% after 7 laps, the softs were at 38%
The lap times were about 2s quicker on the softs

Brandon Warren medal 5000 11 years 143 days ago
Keep in mind which tyre supplier you use is a factor as well.

Brett Wilson medal 5000 11 years 143 days ago
Hi Ryan,
Hard to say what times you would be doing (pardon the pun).. No but seriously i would say it might be a good time to log some data around fuel and tyre wear for each race you are running... without giving too much away here.... try and compare temperatures from last seasons race and the expected temps this season.... that should give you a good indication of what to run...And look at what your competitors ran aswell... (seems like the guy who came first ran softs the whole time)...also "look at the time sheet" if i goto your race at turkey last season and compare 1st and 2nd place i can see alot of information from that aswell..... BUT tbh there are alot of variables to consider (driver lvl, Car design, potentially favourite track for a driver. those are just the ones that im thinking of off the top of my head).
All the best in your upcoming race.