David applin medal 5000 11 years 103 days ago
dose any one agree with me that this IGP would be alot better if:
crashes were included due to driver error and mechanical faliers, puctures, loose wheel nust ect ( there could even be a new skill level for consistancy amd error avoidence)
the cars could even break down, gear box and engine failers for example.
Jaap Grolleman medal 5000 11 years 103 days ago
Well, would anyone agree with me that iGP would be a lot better if people would take a look at the forum, before making a redundant suggestion?
This topic was active five days ago:
David applin medal 5000 11 years 99 days ago
And would anone agree that IGP would be better if some people didn't make snide comments on other peoples mistakes?
Jake Goodhall medal 5000 11 years 99 days ago
yes politeness doesn't cost anything
Andrew Hurn medal 5000 11 years 99 days ago
We should be treating one another with respect at the very least.
It is frustrating though when we go to some length to answer questions & the same questions are asked the following week.
We do not want to stop you from suggesting things & we greatly enjoy your enthusiasm for our game.
May I please ask that you search the forum before making a new suggestion.
Thank you
David applin medal 5000 11 years 98 days ago
i agree that that must be fustrating and i am sorry, but everyone makes mistakes.
but im sorry, there was not need to be impolite, why couldnt he of simply said 'heres a post from four days ago' without being impolite.
What is so difficult about that and what was the need to make another person feel stupid?