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Show "Retirements" rating in League Browser

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medal 5000
11 years 100 days ago (edited 11 years 100 days ago)
While browsing for leagues I would find it very useful to show a value / rating  to show if there are players retiring too often. This would help show if people are active in the league. There are SO many dead leagues right now and there has got to be a way to show which leagues have the most activity. I would think you could also track every league's players and their "last visited" timestamp... but retirements also shows how active the League Admin is and he may never boot inactive players.

The value would perhaps show how many retirements occurred in the last ~10 races in your tier. Number of retirements or a percentage.

This would avoid having to go into each league, check all drivers for activity, and check they are actually playing the game by viewing recent race results. You might as well log the retirements somewhere. It's useful information for people looking to have active players in a league. Otherwise, you might as well try and get a spot in a private league.
medal 5000
11 years 99 days ago
Why don't you just look at the last race in a league?
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