Gil De Cuarta medal 5000 11 years 130 days ago
Dear all I will take the liberty to propose/share several ideas
First saying that i like the game and the chance to interact during race and change strategy is awesone compared with other games already played.
a) i have seen leagues where is only one car and some other where only a few cars as an example we are suffering in our league where many people left
what if leagues smaller than "X" cars are disolved and compulsory you need to find another league lets say X may be 10 or 12 or 16?
IMHO small leagues dont make sense at all.
b) it looks to me that all tracks have almost same pit stop time 16/17 sec in real f1 diffrent tracks need different times to pit, that would change the strategies a bit.
c)I believe that a SC would play a nice role in the game and strategies
d) since we have the option to change fuel levels and compounds during pit stops, what if we have the option to change tyres pressure ?(of course it shall change results in tyres behaivor) that is part of the actual F1 strategy and would be more realistic.
e) I have not seen much different in lap time on wet and dry conditions as well not change in fuel comsuption
what if at diffrent speed different fuel needs?
I understand changes in the SIM script shall be made ,and time is needed but may be the game became more realistic
what do you think guys?
warm regards

Victor Cereijo medal 5000 11 years 130 days ago
they are all good ideas, but seeing how this game works, and how the developers works on it:
a) they love having tons of leagues, doesnt matter for them if they all have just 1 or 3 managers, a good idea already commented is force in any way to people join an already exisying leagues instead of create more and more leagues, but they will do nothing to change this (already commented).
b) is a good idea too, but i dont know if they have plans to make this more realistic.
c) no safety-car sine there is no accident and no error from drivers, the cars only have failure parts if they reach 0%.
d) I think tyre presure is not impremented here, and I think it will not be implemented.
e) is a good idea too, but again I dont know if they are working on this.
So, ''b'' and ''e'' will be a great features to have. And ''a'' will be a great feature too, but they already said that they love to have tons of leagues, so, no changes.

Stephen Westrip medal 5000 11 years 129 days ago
Point c) about no driver error or accidents I would like to see implemented. Too many leagues have the 1&2 drivers for each team finishing together and being one above the other in their league.

Gil De Cuarta medal 5000 11 years 129 days ago
Victor I hope this thread will not be in vain.
The whole idea was about to propose new features, improvements to make the game more interesting and eventually attracting more people.
When people as the developers take the” work” on creating such game I believe they shall have a vision, may be they believe this game can became one day some kind of “Facebook” or something like that, especially since you can play almost for free and develop a game like this should take ours and ours.
I am not sure if they are guided by some kind of” mother teressa spirit” or more “Steve Jobs spirit”
I assume the 2nd one is more likely.
In business, listening the customer is very important , is key, you can see many product has disappeared from the market because the producers don’t care much about what the customers have to say.
There some other options in the SIM game market (we know GPRO,F1 TIME, F1 ESTRATEGIA,BAT racer you named) many of that are in the markeT for many many years I would say more than 10 years, some of them (many in fact has already died)
Some of them are more oriented to technical matters like F1 time, this game, have some features I have never seen I believe makes it different and better I assume is not easy to run a SIM with interaction lap by lap in real time, I assume is easier to add some random accidents, some crashes etc or to change the degradation tyres tables or the pits stop distances , and not run winning strategies on 6 or 8 pit stop I have seen winning races which are very un realistic.
The features / improvements suggested could be found in some games already mentioned, ( no offenses ) let’s say, less professionals that this one (at least some of them)
Since the beginning I have seen some professionalism in IGP manager game and certain “investing grade” kind of. I am a retired business man and that is my perception (maybe I am wrong).
The whole idea was to add some other ideas, being sure other people have done in the past and waiting comments by the fellow users and the developers the game have a lot of potential, but some of the points mentioned could kill it in particular races with only one or few cars people could get bored and quit (is happening???? I don’t know)
I don’t believe there is a lot of “stupid ppl” right there I believe there is a reason , which in this case I don’t understand in doing so and I would like to understand.
The game is fantastic and I believe there is plenty of room for new things(I am sure the developers knows that)

Mika Schmitz medal 5000 11 years 129 days ago
Actually we also have the problem mentioned in
a) in our league. I see teams leaving the league and joining a league with no competitors. I don´t quite underdstand why, as this is like playing monopoly against yourself. I also think that there should be some changes in league management, like perhaps you´re only allowed to create a league if you´re above some level or if you´ve finished maybe a 100 races or so, would prevent people to create lots of leagues with no competitors.
e) I´ve seen the same effect in our races, in wet or drying conditions the teams aren´t much slower then in dry condition, they even are faster sometimes.
Also the fastest lap times are driven at the end of the race, why? We are not racing with full tanks at the start of the race, so there is no logical explanation why times are way faster at the end of a race (of course track surface becomes better at the end, because of the rubber on it, but times are way too fast at the end imho)

Gil De Cuarta medal 5000 11 years 129 days ago
I believe last stint is always quicker under the concept of rubber which is ok
On the small number of cars leagues may be a solution is to have some official leagues as per the game rules and people and who likes to play with friends or alone can play and those that want to compete in world bases can too.
Even my self use to do it keeping 100% KERS until the last lap in order break the lap time shall be limited for example you should not use more 10% of total KERS in 1 lap (that is a very easy to code) and therefore avoid some ridiculous lap times