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Design letters

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medal 5320
11 years 84 days ago
Once a design gets to 100% is there any advantage in continuing to develop that part?

Or to put it another way, Is a 10F better than a 10E if a part is already 100% or are the letters irrelevant and it's purely the % which matters?
medal 5000
11 years 84 days ago
The % is what matters. If a 10F Part has 80% but someone else has 7A Part with 80%, it is the same performance.

You can't get better than 100%.
medal 5000
11 years 77 days ago
What's the next letter after one reaches 10Z?  10ZA?  10Z1?  10A1?  10AA?
medal 5000
11 years 77 days ago
What's the next letter after one reaches 10Z?  10ZA?  10Z1?  10A1?  10AA?

medal 5000
10 years 340 days ago
what is the next  letter after 5Z
medal 5000
10 years 340 days ago
Pretty sure I've read somewhere once that it will stay Z but you will still get extra performance for each update.
medal 5000
10 years 338 days ago
yes stays Z
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