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This thread is closed because it is solved.
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medal 5000
4 years 229 days ago
Que vouliez-vous faire ?
I spied yesterday on handling and I was not the first in handling

Que s'est-il finalement passé ?
I got no skill points.. as if i was a leader in handling
The handling leader already had 200 before the race

Est-ce que le problème est survenu quand vous utilisiez le Wifi, l'internet mobile ou les deux ?

Est-ce que le bug s'est produit dans l'application, sur PC ou les deux ?

Quel est le modèle de votre appareil ?

Quel est le système d'exploitation ?

Quel est le numéro de version de votre système d'exploitation ?

Quel est le système d'exploitation de votre PC ?

Dans quel navigateur avez-vous rencontré le problème ?

Que vouliez-vous faire ?
Maybe I don’t know

Commentaires supplémentaires :
It s happened to a friend, not to me
His name is Erwan Pelan in my league
He could not post on bug section
medal 5000
4 years 229 days ago
Say it in English
medal 5000
4 years 229 days ago
How many areas did you research?
medal 5000
4 years 229 days ago
Only one : handling
medal 5000
4 years 229 days ago

Same problem, happened on Tuesday 14 July...
medal 5072 Super Mod
4 years 229 days ago
I have escalated this for investigation.
medal 5000
4 years 225 days ago
Hello Erwan

I double-checked the account history in question.
5 days ago the TD report shows that no points were received from the research because turns out to be the most developed car.
You can also see this in the game's inbox messages.
There could be two options: it probably searched in an already complete skill, so it did not have any search.
or unfortunately it did not save your change tick, thus remaining in the skill that did not yield any search points.

Best Regards
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