Charlie Walton medal 5000 11 years 115 days ago
Are the Tifosi engines or Murk engines better and is it worth switching from Rednote (Renault) to either of them?

Chaz Bradley medal 5000 11 years 115 days ago
I have Murk, Seashells as fuel and the Bridgestone one.. Think it's Bridgerock

Charlie Walton medal 5000 11 years 114 days ago
Ok. But if I want to transfer Engines, would the cost per engine effect the performance? So if I only pay 300,000 for an engine would it be worse than if I had payed say 600,000, or is there only 1 engine model from each manufacturer?

Ciarán Gray medal 5000 11 years 114 days ago
Try to pay as little as you can

Charlie Walton medal 5000 11 years 114 days ago
Ok I will, I might stay with Rednote for a while because I have a 30 race long contract. :3...

Andrew Hurn medal 5000 11 years 114 days ago
I wouldn't wait. The difference is significant.

Charlie Walton medal 5000 11 years 114 days ago
Ok, I put an offer of 320000 each of which they both rejected so I will go with 360000 after the next race! My primary choice is Murk.

Ciarán Gray medal 5000 11 years 114 days ago
Murk is a lot better!! I had tifosi till Valencia in a season I just finished before Valencia I got murk and got 1-2s at every race of the season apart from monza where I got 2 punctures on each car!

Charlie Walton medal 5000 11 years 114 days ago
Wow! Ok, I am actually going to go on my youth account and replace Ferrari right now then!