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Images in League wall thread

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medal 5001
4 years 193 days ago (Last edited by Sam Martin 4 years 192 days ago)
Surely it makes sense to be able to post images in the league wall, as well as the forums (when image posting is enabled again) 

Is there any reason it doesn’t already exist? I want to post updates for my league, not really in the forums. Yes I can post the link, but much better to be able to see it as there will be lots that won’t bother.
medal 5000
4 years 193 days ago
Features that you've mentioned here used to be possible through using html code and then BBcode until the devs removed it to avoid security issues...
Since the update to the options available on the forum I've always been perplexed as to why they aren't also available on the league wall, or any text input on this game for that matter.

If links are ever a massive security issue, then maybe ban links outright and have a league's page and thread more integrated/connected: League threads are more special than other threads and should be treated as such. Another solution: have all newly added links up for moderator review before they work properly.
medal 5001
4 years 192 days ago
Thanks for the reply Leo, I did suspect a different bit of code would be a way round it, as you say all links could be checked and approved quite easily. 

Here is hoping it can be added in future to make the league pages a bit more vibrant and engaging place to discuss tactics for those that want to.

medal 5001
4 years 179 days ago (Last edited by Sam Martin 4 years 177 days ago)
Just bumping this thread again now that the images are available again.

Would be really good to have image posting abilities in the league wall, and make them unique and more dynamic = people stick around more and want to be involved! I want to do more charts/tables like this and build on it, but only really has a place in the league it is relevant to.

I’m trying to share our league results table, but only having the forum to do it in seems like a waste of time for everyone that sees it outside of the league. Only being able to send it as a link is annoying!

medal 5001
4 years 154 days ago
Bumping this thread with another image I'd rather just be sharing on our league wall. . . 

medal 5000
4 years 153 days ago
I'd personally like having the ability to post images on league wall too. Would be a nice touch and helps involving league members even more.
medal 5001
4 years 145 days ago

Just bumping this thread again now that the images are available again.

Would be really good to have image posting abilities in the league wall, and make them unique and more dynamic = people stick around more and want to be involved! I want to do more charts/tables like this and build on it, but only really has a place in the league it is relevant to.

I"m trying to share our league results table, but only having the forum to do it in seems like a waste of time for everyone that sees it outside of the league. Only being able to send it as a link is annoying!

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