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medal 5000
4 years 186 days ago
I have a good idea. There is a load of money that only keeps on growing after players settle. So a feature can be added where a player can purchase a facility in the HQ after reaching a high level(Developers can chose what lvl) after which you can allocate a certain amount of money into making the next year's engine. It is also possible to do that by making 'departments' for making things that are purchased from suppliers. I believe this should not be for rookies as it will make the game more complex for them so I think it should be available after like lvl 10 to 15 where players get a good hold of the game.
medal 5000
4 years 186 days ago
I have a good idea. There is a load of money that only keeps on growing after players settle. So a feature can be added where a player can purchase a facility in the HQ after reaching a high level(Developers can chose what lvl) after which you can allocate a certain amount of money into making the next year's engine. It is also possible to do that by making 'departments' for making things that are purchased from suppliers. I believe this should not be for rookies as it will make the game more complex for them so I think it should be available after like lvl 10 to 15 where players get a good hold of the game.

Definitely you can manage your financial well in 1 Car League. But don't forget that there're many guys are struggling the finance in 2 Cars League (not me) so your idea is very unfair for those poor financial teams. If the game uses your idea, richer teams like your team will always get benefit in the beginning of season and getting very good results without any managerial skills. Is money the main priority the game? No. This game is introduced just for training and examining our managerial skills, there's no meaning if we won every races by money. Feels like your suggestion is just try to shorter the gap between top teams and weak teams so you can beat higher Lvl teams in lower level.
medal 5468
4 years 186 days ago
I have a good idea. There is a load of money that only keeps on growing after players settle. So a feature can be added where a player can purchase a facility in the HQ after reaching a high level(Developers can chose what lvl) after which you can allocate a certain amount of money into making the next year's engine. It is also possible to do that by making 'departments' for making things that are purchased from suppliers. I believe this should not be for rookies as it will make the game more complex for them so I think it should be available after like lvl 10 to 15 where players get a good hold of the game.

This idea does seem to create a bigger devide between richer and poorer teams.

The only way that I would see something like this working is if you had a rolling system where the more money you put into development, the less the overall effect.  And it should be implemented from rookie up, with an effective reduction in effectiveness, the higher the level you are.  That would, then even out the playing field in general.  

The real question from that being, do we really want to make the game that easy for everybody?
medal 5000
4 years 186 days ago
Maybe just the prize money needs to be adjusted for one & two car leagues :/
medal 5000 Moderator
4 years 186 days ago
Contrary to the general opinion I do like the suggestion as it has the potential to add both to the managing part and give late game money a bit more use. However I think the resulting engine has to be available to be bought for the other teams as well, so the only real advantage for entering the ranks of an engine manufacturer would be the ability to tailor the bonus/malus set it provides to the own preferences, within the given framework by the current engines and the own ability to secure the service of the right engine designer(s) (or by which alternative way the engine stats would be determined).
medal 5000
4 years 186 days ago
The only issue with allowing people to become suppliers of Tyres/Fuel/Engines is it will flood the game with pretty much the same thing. Better to just allow people to edit the current suppliers costing money or money and tokens. 

To be honest nobody should be struggling for money. I make money if I achieve the race objective or not.

Sponsors payout 12.9m
I payout Car & Wages 11.7m 
medal 5000
4 years 185 days ago
The only issue with allowing people to become suppliers of Tyres/Fuel/Engines is it will flood the game with pretty much the same thing. Better to just allow people to edit the current suppliers costing money or money and tokens. 

To be honest nobody should be struggling for money. I make money if I achieve the race objective or not.

Sponsors payout 12.9m
I payout Car & Wages 11.7m 

The reasons why they're struggling with financial are, they're hiring drivers who need high salaries (lazy or didn't scout driver from Youth Drivers Academy) & hiring multiple CDs for car development but they can't achieve the race objective especially in tough leagues although they selected the most income sponsors.
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