Benjamin Ogieriakhi medal 5000 11 years 103 days ago
It's beginning to get often that i miss league races, so i was wondering, maybe instead of the same default strat for everyone you can do a strategy from one of your past seasons?
So the default strategy becomes one of your previous seasons (a season of the manager's choice)
However if you do not have a setup loaded in the particular Race distance it goes to the Game's default strategy.

James Young medal 5000 11 years 103 days ago
If you actually mean the fuel/tire strategy, then it's not so bad. The default strategies are hit-and-miss depending on your Technical Director. (Your TD determines the fuel per lap estimate, so if you find one that's close you don't have to worry about being underfuelled or grossly overfuelled.)
If you mean the car setups as well, then yes, please! The default car setups are rubbish all the time. Even when you buy the simulator as a rookie, they're never anywhere even in the neighborhood of being close to right. Should just default the car setup to that driver's last race on the track (or the most recent setup you have for the track if not the same driver).