There\'s a world of difference between telling everyone exactly how everything works and giving people a rough idea how things work.
For example, as René van der K said, \"talent rating is the only attribute that doesn\'t change over time\"
I have to take René\'s word on that being true, it may not be true, but its all I have without an official explaination. A basic guide on driver/staff attributes as well as other aspects of the game would clear a lot of things up for people. Most of it is common sense, but there is ambiquity in a lot of things that could be easily cleared up without telling people how to have the perfect team.
It would be like Codemasters shipping F1 2012 with no manual and saying \"You figure out the controls, if everyone knew them the game would be boring, wouldn\'t it?\"
I agree that a beginners guide should be made, but I don\'t completely agree with the F1 2012 analogy, because the developers at iGP Manager give a basic idea of what to do to manage your team. It made me laugh a little, though.