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medal 5000
4 years 203 days ago
Is players with 2 accounts in the same league cheating?
medal 5144 Super Mod
4 years 203 days ago
It's not actually cheating in terms of iGP rules but many leagues have a local rule forbidding this.

Just to be clear, more than one account in the same league but different tiers is usually accepted, but two or more accounts in the same tier is where the problems arise and is frowned upon. This is because a secondary team can be managed/sacrificed to the advantage of the primary team.

If league rules are broken the host is within his rights to issue a warning and if ignored he can kick the secondary accounts.
medal 5000
4 years 203 days ago
Thanks for the information you can now close the thread
medal 5000
4 years 203 days ago
@Nuw: Please choose better subjects like "2 accounts in the same league cheating?".
Having several threads with subject "cheating?" or "question" or "suggestion" helps no one.
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