Sven Dießenbacher medal 5181 4 years 216 days ago
Hello everybody. I have a pretty stupid question. But I have no answer to that. if I get 200 with the design points at ACCELERATION and get +17 points from my suppliers, do I have 217 in the race? or is 200 maximum. which of course would mean that the 17 supplier points would be "without effect". has any of you made experiences or can tell me how it works. thank you guys

Kevin Bissell medal 5084 Super Mod 4 years 216 days ago
In the above scenario the 17 points are wasted, you cannot exceed the hard cap of 200 in Elite.
However, you don't waste the points in the lower two tiers, in Rookie and Pro you can use suppliers to exceed the cap. So in Rookie you would be able to achieve 67 and in Pro 117.