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League search filters

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medal 5000
4 years 211 days ago
Is this ever going to get fixed?

It is that useless at the moment and has been forever that it might as well not even be there.
medal 5000
4 years 209 days ago
What no one can give an answer on this?

How many mods are there? ( Who Could ask the question and find out)

Game support / developers or even Jack himself someone must know something. Or is it top secret?

It is the most broken part of this whole game and has been for such a long time and it seems to be ignored just like my post.

Not trying to stir up trouble as I really would like to know if this is ever going to be fixed. it is annoying however that I guess you guys in power were hoping my question would drift away into the forum black hole of unanswered posts.
medal 5000
4 years 208 days ago
That last line is just sad...
medal 5084 Super Mod
4 years 208 days ago

What no one can give an answer on this?

How many mods are there? ( Who Could ask the question and find out)

Game support / developers or even Jack himself someone must know something. Or is it top secret?

It is the most broken part of this whole game and has been for such a long time and it seems to be ignored just like my post.

Not trying to stir up trouble as I really would like to know if this is ever going to be fixed. it is annoying however that I guess you guys in power were hoping my question would drift away into the forum black hole of unanswered posts.

Hello Jim.

How many Mods? I think maybe 3 or 4 dedicated to the English Forum.

We don't know what Jack and the devs are currently working on, nor do we know their priority of bug fixes. So we're not ignoring your posts, we just don't know what the answer is. Remember, Mods are unpaid volunteers who support the iGP Staff in managing this forum and where we can we also offer help and support on game mechanics. We all have our own jobs to do and lives to live, we simply don't have time to answer every post on this forum, especially if all we can post is I don't know.

Have you read Jack's Open letter to the community? Here he explains why communication from the developer team doesn't always meet user expectations.
medal 5000
4 years 208 days ago
You should come out of retirement Kevin and be a politician with that reply. This is maybe how you should of answered the post.

Hi Jim Sorry I have no answer for you but I will try my best over the next week to see if I can find out if they have any plans on fixing the league filters. I will reply when I hear something for you.

Look how much nicer that was. Instead I got bunch a dribble. and in the time it took you to write all that still nothing on my question.
I never said that the mods had the answer but I know you have far better resources to find out and you have even more being a super mod. in that Discord page you are all on. After all I bet by now you made some joke or some wise crack about my post on there Kevin as you been good at that in the past about posters. so maybe you do have enough time to answer a sentence question here and then ask it on discord

This is no flash in the pan new problem it has been around forever and Jack even try to fix it about a year ago. It did seem to work a tiny bit better for a while but now it probably worse than it was before.

But no need to reply or have Jose reply or any other mod I will let this topic drift away off the front page so it out of sight of mind for you all. Just know we are really not all stupid as you make us out to be and some of us know more than you think.

Enjoy your racing and oh by the way this is a good game and it time for me to race.
medal 5011 Super Mod
4 years 208 days ago
After all I bet by now you made some joke or some wise crack about my post on there Kevin as you been good at that in the past about posters. so maybe you do have enough time to answer a sentence question here and then ask it on discord

You really don't know Kevin, so please don't speak on behalf of him.
medal 5393 Community Manager
4 years 208 days ago
Hello Jim,

Firstly I really appreciate that you’re worried about the game status and want things to improve! ?❤️

We would like to fix the league search filter in the incoming month. This task have been on the queue for so long and now we’re close to get to work on it. I hope this clear any doubt you’ve about it.

In the last place I would like to clarify that Kevin or any other Moderator don’t have special or additional information about bug fixing or current work from iGP Games. This said I ask you to respect his work and be more respectful the next time. Moderators just want to help everyone and make the forum a safe place.

See you on the track! ??
medal 5000
4 years 208 days ago
I was not going to reply but that would be rude of me not too.

First off thank you Jose Now that is a reply of class. Some good old sucking up and making it feel like you care about what being said. Now it might be all a load of bull ? But at least I go away from here feeling I have an answer one way or another and after all we will know it was just bull if nothing has changed by the end of October?

Second. I never once said the mods were in the know and have special inside knowledge. I said they could ask the question and maybe find out. You say respect Kevin, I think he one of the best mods you have here, but if you think I am not going to say something after I waited three days with out saying boo for no replies and then I get that. Now if it was a few hours then yeah I would deserve what was said.  But overall Kevin is the best mod here on the forums and helps allot of people.

Thirdly Gustavo. Maybe you should stay out of it as it comes on a bit as Mods ganging up on managers, Yes You are a mod even if you posted with a non mod account or turned it off to say mod. It happen in the past on the forums and looks terrible. And by the way I know what I said is 100% true so don't be a goose

I am done will not post again as it not worth it. But once again thanks Jose, maybe some of your mods need to take notice on how you handle it around here.
medal 5011 Super Mod
4 years 208 days ago
I consider Kevin a good friend, so when you try to hit him with your words you hit me.

I've turned off my mod colour because I was going off-topic, but it was necessary due to your lack of politeness.
medal 5000
4 years 208 days ago

Is this ever going to get fixed?

It is that useless at the moment and has been forever that it might as well not even be there.

Dude, You asked such a vague question and expect such a direct and relevant answer.  When is the weather going to improve? Meteorologists miss the mark half the time, are you going to demand a more direct forecast from them too? Anyways, take a chill pill and perhaps learn some manners. 

You want to know what the devs are up to? Last time I check they have a "contact us" source. But if you feel like putting some real the posts already in place in relation to your query.  That's what most of us do. 

I know .... off topic..... my apologies. 
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