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Cant access race

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medal 5000
11 years 54 days ago
Message from webpage: you need the latest java, yet when I got to install java it says I have already installed. It worked ok 3 days ago. what changed?
medal 5000
11 years 54 days ago
Simon, this can be caused by having more than one version of Java on your machine. If you do have more than one, delete them all & install the latest version & things should work. If that doesn't resolve the issue let me know & we can investigate further
medal 5000
11 years 53 days ago
According to the website at
You have the recommended Java installed (Version 7 Update 45).

This is happening in Internet explorer. Chrome works fine.

It has all been working previously. Hang on a moment, It may be since IE upgraded to version 11.
I'll check the dates.
medal 5000
11 years 53 days ago
yep, that looks like it.

IE11 installed with updates on 12/12/13,  strange it doesnt appear in he add/remove programs or installed updates. I had to look through system restore files to find it.
Unfortunately it was installed with a fair few other updates and programs including flash and I don't really want to undo toe changes at the moment.

I never thought to try a different browser on race day, I gave up after java kept downloading updates then saying I had already got the latest update routine.
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