Marty Montoya medal 5000 4 years 204 days ago (Last edited by
Marty Montoya 4 years 204 days ago)
Hi Connor unfortunately every few days they keep swapping host between mike and other ex players they have now unfortunately removed us left in the league a
Hi Connor, this is true, I too have just been kicked by this guy. He's the host and he's not even in our league any longer due to a certain few individuals who were not too keen on some of our current members who are genuinely here to race, and so set out to cause as much disharmony within the league as possible in an attempt to divide us all, which they succeeded to a certain extent because they have managed to lure away some of our friend's under the false pretences that they are completely innocent in all of this. The remaining players that were left, before Mike kicked us all, we're genuinely here to race and had the league in their best interest, unlike the disruptive players that were here beforehand who have now left to create their own new league.