Lucas Andersen medal 5000 4 years 198 days ago (Last edited by
Lucas Andersen 4 years 198 days ago)
Hi José,
I want to let you know that I understood the reasons.
I also would like to make clear that I don't wish to make any "Official iGP Discord server". My idea is to use my league's Discord server as a "hub" for players from as many different leagues as possible to find with each other easier than what it's current here in the forums. I'm not saying that the forums are bad or anything like that, I think they do work fine and you admins (plus mods) are doing some really good work indeed.
I would like to be able to advertise my league's Discord server via forum since it wouldn't make the player go trough my league to then copy and paste the link (since links don't lead you diretcly by clicking in the league's description) in their browser.
I just withdrew my league's Discord server link over the league's advertisement in the Portuguese forum (you can find it
here) and thought to myself whether or not I'll get more influx of players now and I'm afraid the answer is a no, that's just the opposite of what the Discord server's purpose is. I want to help new players there as experient will be able to do something like the game guides in a more interactive than what it's now for example.
I understand why it's hard to do such thing and I, again, understood the reasons, but I don't want to do anything official nor will I claim it's. Thank you!