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lvl 20 CD bought by lvl 19 acc

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medal 5000
4 years 198 days ago
I asked a lvl 19 acc to check her and she didn't had red stars, meaning it could be bought by a lvl 19 acc.
Is it a visual bug or lvl 19 managers can really buy lvl 20 staff and maybe drivers?
medal 5084 Super Mod
4 years 198 days ago
Escalated to iGP team.
Thanks for reporting
medal 5000
4 years 198 days ago (Last edited by Slo Bro 4 years 198 days ago)
I asked a lvl 19 acc to check her and she didn't had red stars, meaning it could be bought by a lvl 19 acc.
Is it a visual bug or lvl 19 managers can really buy lvl 20 staff and maybe drivers?

Its possible, no visual bug.
I bought a lvl 20 TD when i was lvl 19.
medal 5000
4 years 198 days ago
Definitely have done previously
medal 5000
4 years 198 days ago
I hope that no one will remove all staff who do not match the manager's level. Otherwise I won't have anyone left, LOL.
medal 5374
4 years 198 days ago

I asked a lvl 19 acc to check her and she didn't had red stars, meaning it could be bought by a lvl 19 acc.
Is it a visual bug or lvl 19 managers can really buy lvl 20 staff and maybe drivers?

Its possible, no visual bug.
I bought a lvl 20 TD when i was lvl 19.

I bought one when i was level 19, too.
medal 5000
4 years 198 days ago

I asked a lvl 19 acc to check her and she didn't had red stars, meaning it could be bought by a lvl 19 acc.
Is it a visual bug or lvl 19 managers can really buy lvl 20 staff and maybe drivers?

I am currently lvl 19 and i can buy lvl 20 staff and drivers. All lvl 20 staff or drivers i see dont have any red stars
medal 5000
4 years 197 days ago
When I set up another acc, I could buy level 4 staff at level 1, which I suppose could be related..? I think it's Lvl 3 you can get at Lvl 1.
medal 5000
4 years 197 days ago
Good to know that I will be able to buy Staff lvl 20 in my main acc in 10 races ?

I'm now waiting for Kevin's update on it ?
medal 5084 Super Mod
4 years 196 days ago
OK here's my update.

I have asked the question on our Mod Discord server but have had no response from any member of iGP staff (I suppose it is the weekend). A few other Mods have responded and confirmed it is sometimes possible to recruit staff one level higher than the team. This is quite a rare occurrence (I personally have never experienced it) and the best guess is that levels are actually stored as decimals but only displayed as integers. So maybe a 19.49 level 19 team could employ a 19.51 level 20 CD.

As I say, this is just speculation and not verified by anyone from iGP Games. Sorry I can't be of more help.
medal 5000
4 years 196 days ago (Last edited by Winston Smith 4 years 194 days ago)
I'm 700xp points away from lvl 19 and can't buy lvl 19 staff tough. But if it really is about decimal places, then even driver attributes, more especially talent, might be the difference we might be having in qualifying times.
Will wait for a definitive answer then. Thanks Kevin! Have a great weekend!
medal 5000
4 years 196 days ago
I’m currently level 10, I just got a level 14 CD from a daily deal in the shop as a ‘limited offer’ maybe it’s a similar situation to that?
medal 5084 Super Mod
4 years 196 days ago
I'm currently level 10, I just got a level 14 CD from a daily deal in the shop as a "limited offer" maybe it's a similar situation to that?

Hi Sam.
The limited offer is different and designed to give a leg up to managers early(ish) in their iGP career.
medal 5000
4 years 194 days ago
Hey Kevin! Any updates on it?
medal 5000
4 years 194 days ago

You can purchase level 20 staff (CD/TD/DR) for a level 19 manager, which will be displayed with yellow stars and not red stars.
The same applies to drivers.
This only applies to level 19 managers.
For lower levels it is not possible to buy staff/drivers higher level. It is very rarely possible to buy a higher level staff member in the transfer list, which will be displayed with red stars. (But I haven't seen this for a long time).
medal 5000
4 years 194 days ago (Last edited by Winston Smith 4 years 194 days ago)
Thanks Bruno! Good to know ?
Another doubt about the lower levels: do the red stars count like if it had 5 stars or not?
Nvm, just bought a TD and it has the same research power than my now former TD 5*.
It must be something related to rounding up like Kevin said.
But will it get prohibited in the future or not?
medal 5084 Super Mod
4 years 194 days ago
Yes thanks Bruno for the information.

I escalated the original "bug" to the iGP Team last Friday and have had no official response. As I said above, a number of the other volunteers have confirmed that, although rare, this behaviour of higher level staff being available does sometimes happen.

Will the bug get patched at some point? Again no official response, but it's not a huge problem and I'd like to think the devs would prioritise other bugs first (e.g. League search filter) before they turn their attention to this. Even if the bug is patched I don't imagine they'll remove the higher level staff from teams who have already benefitted.
medal 5000
4 years 193 days ago
Thanks Bruno! Good to know ?
Another doubt about the lower levels: do the red stars count like if it had 5 stars or not?
Nvm, just bought a TD and it has the same research power than my now former TD 5*.

The maximum achievable REAL search power is (100-Level_Manager * 3)%.

When this is not the case, it is for approximation reasons that the game does. For example, a level 19 sees 44%, but the real percentage is 43.000000000001%, which is approximately 44%.

In fact with a CD level 18 and DT 19 (or vice versa) the percentage drops to 43. (maybe it doesn't go down if the CD 18 was 5 stars for a level 18)
This is to say that when one of the two staff members is at a lower level the percentage could be both equal and different, but the search power is still different, even if approximate to the same percentage.
Random example, with CD 16 and DT 17, the real search could be 48.XY, approximated to 49, but different from 49.00.

But will it get prohibited in the future or not?

I can't give you an answer to this question because in special offers it is sometimes possible to buy higher level staff.
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