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In progress
Game freezes

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medal 5000
4 years 136 days ago
What did you try to do?
Manage my race.

What happened instead?
App froze several times, with one ultimately crashing the app.

Did the problem happen while using wi-fi, mobile data, or both?

Did the bug happen in the app, on PC, or both?

What is the model of your device?

What is the operating system?

What is the version number of the operating system?

Can the bug be reproduced?
Freezes have happen during most races this past week.

Additional comments:
medal 5000
4 years 136 days ago
This could be a wi-fi problem. Do you have a bad connection to anything else?
medal 5000
4 years 136 days ago
My internet was supposedly upgrade, though I'm questioning whether it's an actual improvement.
medal 5000
4 years 136 days ago
It constantly does this, I have more than 4 devices (Andriod with App and Window 8.1 and Windows 10 PCs) and have had 6 different providers (in 4 countries in the world!) and every single one will freeze at least every 4 or 5 races which can mean leaving the game and rejoining which will generally cost a few laps.
medal 4975 Super Mod
4 years 136 days ago
Hello everyone,
How much RAM do your affected device (s) have? A small amount of RAM can cause the game to crash in live races. 
I had a similar problem, the following steps fixed it for me:

1. Clear cache before you enter the race viewer.
2. Try to clear your device of any unnecessary apps/data that could eat RAM in the background. 
3. Make sure that iGP Manager is the only app open when you are spectating your race. 
medal 5000
4 years 135 days ago
I do 1 & 3, but not sure if any of my apps that do the 2nd one.
medal 4975 Super Mod
4 years 135 days ago
Do you know how much RAM your device has? If you search "[device name] Specifications" it will tell you in Google if you're not sure. 
medal 5000
4 years 135 days ago (Last edited by Joshua Johnson 4 years 135 days ago)
medal 4975 Super Mod
4 years 135 days ago
That could be why you are having problems. 

Another thing that might help, is going into your device settings, and clearing all of the iGP Manager data. I had this problem in a race yesterday, and clearing the data helped

Only do this if you are logged into iGP Manager and know your email and password. Once you re-enter iGP Manager, you will need to re-enter your email and password to access your account. 

Please can you keep updating this thread after each race. Thank you. 
medal 5000
4 years 135 days ago
Cleared all iGP data, still had freezes and a crash.
medal 4975 Super Mod
4 years 135 days ago

Thank you.  

I've escalated this thread to the developers. A video of the crash may be helpful, if that is possible. 

Thank you for reporting this bug. 
medal 4975 Super Mod
4 years 134 days ago

Please can you complete an internet speed test close to your race time tomorrow in order to rule out this bug being caused by internet problems. Please can you attach a screenshot here when you've completed it, so that I can send it to the devs. 

Thank you. 
medal 5000
4 years 134 days ago
No freezes or crashes today.  This was the internet speed 10 mins before race start:
medal 4975 Super Mod
4 years 134 days ago
I'm glad to hear that you had no issues. I have sent your speeds to the developers to see if they can identify the cause. 

EDIT: Please can you measure your speeds before the next few races in case any of them have problems. That way, we can diagnose if it as an internet speed problem or not. 
medal 5000
4 years 132 days ago (Last edited by Joshua Johnson 4 years 132 days ago)
Here's yesterday's and today's internet speeds, both done 10 mins before race time:
medal 4975 Super Mod
4 years 132 days ago
Did you have any crash problems in those races?
medal 5000
4 years 131 days ago
medal 5000
4 years 131 days ago
My game keepa freezinf every 2 or 3 races even if havw no other apps  open and also have cleared catch. I play on mobile. And also this is happening on 4g 
medal 4975 Super Mod
4 years 131 days ago
The developers are aware of this and are trying to work out patterns of when it happens. One theory is that it happens for races happening at peak times - however, it hasn't been fully proven. 

What time did your races happen? Please remember to include the timezone.
medal 5290 Community Manager
4 years 131 days ago
Hello managers,

We’re investigating these reports, I’ll update with any news we’ve. Please pay attention to this thread, in case we need more info for debug. Thank you for your collaboration and patience. ?⚙️?
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