Ben Whitehead medal 5000 4 years 179 days ago
I have recently had better results through pushing the drivers each race. Is this always the best option? My current League Wind River is small, and very competitive (we would like some more players to join us, please do try a season with us) I am however wary of tyre wear. Can anyone give me and superb advice that can make me more competitive? I have all the best resources and staff, and at lvl 20 i should be doing a lot better. Please, any advice here is welcome.

Richard Herman medal 5000 4 years 177 days ago
Push more in the corners, less on the straights. Also try to keep tire temp at the very edge on the red and black

Frank Thomas medal 4997 Moderator 4 years 176 days ago
Yes, push can make quite a difference. No need to worry about tyre wear, but tyre temperature is very important, and more push means more heat, and heat has quite an impact on your pace as well. Also higher push results in little bit higher fuel consumption that need to factored into your stint, and FE planning for a race as too much extra fuel means extra weight and weight makes you slower.
The rule of thumb for push was posted above, but there's no general rule perfect for all tracks. The important bit to know is that iGP cars tyre heat is generated depending on the rule more speed equals more heat.