Ignatius Corleone medal 5000 11 years 68 days ago
thoughts ?
anyone played it ?

Vinod Maskeri medal 5000 11 years 68 days ago
I have a copy of Racing manager 2014...,its same like Pole position 2012....Very confusing gameplay..needs lots of patience and i lack that so i did not played after the first day of Installation

Harrison Whitworth medal 5000 11 years 67 days ago
I have the 2008 version of the game. Nothing looks different. Do not buy.

Onur Ömer Öztürk medal 5000 11 years 67 days ago
Waste of time. I played two seasons... A lot of bug... Boring gameplay... Awful reality... Only good thing, it has young driver program, F1 manager or grand prix world hasn't. But they're the best ;))

German Fomin medal 5000 11 years 66 days ago
Well, I downloaded it. It is way better than stupid pole position 2012. But they are moving in the right direction.
Problem is, there are no patches for non-steam versions. So the one I'm playing is crashing every three minutes.

Davide Merli medal 5000 9 years 170 days ago
I've got it. Nice but too much "cartooned" for me. I found again grand prix word and i prefer it a lot. No rookies to choose but it has parts with code of the cars and possibilies to dialog with the constructors of motor, fuel and tyres. Just like F1 manager 2000. (I lost the cd game, i downloaded it after 17 year spent in researchs!!!)