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Introduction of KERS overheat?

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medal 5000
4 years 136 days ago (Last edited by Florent Racing 4 years 128 days ago)
Hello drivers,

Into our league (FIA European Formula 1 Championship), most of races in Elite finish in the same way : a drag/KERS race in the last lap, and the winner is the one with the highest percentage of KERS at the beginning of the lap.

It is quite fun at the beginning, but after dozen of races like this, it is surprisingly quite annoying, and not very close to real races, in F1 or anywhere else.

I am thinking that it could be interesting to limitate the percentage of KERS that could be used per turn, with a kind of Overheat signal for blocking KERS button till the end of a turn. Similar to what we can see on F1 2020 for example, when you can not use your full amount of KERS on one turn (example : )

By this way, utilization of KERS would be much more strategic, drivers should use a big part of their KERS before the last turn if they don't want to lose it. Of course, percentage limitation could be variable depending on race length (10% per lap maximum for 100% race, 15% for 75% race, 20% for 50% race and 25% for 25% race?)

A second option would be to integrate a recharging KERS, but this option is probably more complicated to integrate into the game (Could be a second step)

What do you think of this proposal? 
medal 5000
4 years 129 days ago
Hi all, 

This is a good idea Florent. 

A recharging KERS would be the best thing, but a restricted use (percent by laps) of boost can be a good way to modify this boost system.

Anyway, i'm not programmer :)

(le lien vers ton image est mort...)

medal 5000
4 years 128 days ago
Hi Jack,

Thanks for the support! (Lien mis à jour, merci de me l'avoir fait remarquer :) )

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