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Highest single car ranking

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medal 5000
3 years 210 days ago
Hi mods or anyone that can help..... 

Can someone update the stax fluo post above highest average league rankings. Would be a good read if it was correct. 

Thanks in advance 
medal 5000
3 years 210 days ago
The ranking of league is not so important anymore because the whole HOF system has broken. Higher average rep leagues are those weak leagues with one, or two strong managers. And low average rep leagues mostly are strong leagues with many of strong managers inside. 
medal 5000
3 years 210 days ago (Last edited by Gian Michele Pisanu 3 years 210 days ago)
Hi Matt. We try to update the league rankings near the end of the month. The reason for this is that at the end of the month, as you know, iGP resets the reputation of managers. However, the reputation of the leagues is only updated when one of the managers leaves or joins the league. Let me give you a simple example: if in an x-league before the update of the hof had 10000 reputation and none of the managers present in elite in recent months left the league, now we would see that x-league with 10000 reputation.
For this reason, if we frequently updated the rankings, we would give the wrong information to those who consult them because some leagues would take into account the monthly reset, while others would not. 

I'll also add another element. The league's reputation previously provided a vague criterion of competitiveness within the league itself. Currently, for obvious reasons, leagues with 7 weekly races have a much higher reputation boost than the other. I think it would be fair to make two separate rankings where you see leagues with a similar racing schedule. I'm trying to work on it next month. 
medal 5000
3 years 209 days ago
Hi both, thanks for replying!! Will look forward to it gian 👍
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