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League summary system !

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medal 5000
4 years 130 days ago (Last edited by Leo Hackins 4 years 130 days ago)
Hi everyone ! 

I'm in charge of the french leagues ranking but since the last igp update, managers reputations were reset every first of the month and currently is impossible to update this ranking because elite average reputations of each league summary are only updated after a manager join or leave the elite tier. However in some leagues no one manager join or leave the elite tier for over a month, so at the beginning of the month manager reputation were reset but the these average reputations on the league summaries were completely wrong.
Therefore, I would like to know if it will be possible to update the "league summary system " in order that average reputations be updated after each league races.
medal 5000
4 years 127 days ago
Can I have an answer from the igp support please ?? 
medal 5000
4 years 127 days ago
Can I have an answer from the igp support please ?? 

basically iGP developer team and community manager will ignore those great suggestions, because they don't like someone is smarter than them. 
medal 5272 Community Manager
4 years 127 days ago
Hello Leo,

This is a very good suggestion and I think it’s easy to implement. I’m going to propose it to my teammates. Thank you very much! ?❤️
medal 5000
4 years 127 days ago
Thank you Jose, I look forward to this update ! 
medal 5000
4 years 127 days ago

Thank you Jose, I look forward to this update ! 

I do too, it will make compairing leagues possible again 
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