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Spy other teams, will slow down devolepment?

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medal 5000
11 years 14 days ago
Hej guys,

just a quick question. When you spy other teams, because you're devolepment is not as far as the other teams.Cloning parts, is going to slow youre own devolepment, during this season en next season?

So i was thinking. if this is true, would i be smart to focus on your own devolepment and not clone any parts, and focus on the next season?

medal 5000
11 years 14 days ago

Just spying wont affect your development for the current season and next season... You can spy other teams just to check their development.

But if you clone their parts, that will afect your development for the current season and the next one... Cuz if your parts are better (70% or higher) your next develop upgrade will be shorter. If your parts are less than 70%, your next develop upgrade will be higher.

Personally i think the best strategy is put the green bar to "Next Season" and don't clone parts, that way, you can handle yourslef in current season but the next one you'll be much more competitive! ;)

Regards! ;)
medal 5000
11 years 14 days ago
I always develop for the current season and spy my way up the first couple of races. Usually I end the season with a development of around 25-30%. During the season break I can develop once or twice to reach a design of around 55-60% and then start spying and cloning. The first few clones usually deliver about 25-30% extra design and get me further up the grid.

Depending on the standings, once I'm sowehere over 90% I often start moving the design emphasis to the next season.

So far it has worked fine for me and usually am fighting in front. But, once you follow one strategy it also often means you will have to accept a lesser season when you change to another.
medal 5000
11 years 14 days ago
Both strategy's sound good. How many designers do you use? Right now i'm trying to refit almost every part every race, or is this a little bit overdone? right now i'm at 83 designers.
medal 5000
11 years 14 days ago
I just use 70 designers... I just upgrades 2 parts at one time (35 designers for each one).

With this amount of designers, i upgrade 2 parts every day!
medal 5000
11 years 13 days ago
Good advice all,

By I tried spying last season in my league and the part for the current season too a nice bump upward but the next season part stayed at its previous rate of development.

medal 5000
11 years 13 days ago
Spying and cloning only works for the current season Brian.

I use 133 designers for a 1 car team and I believe about 87 for a 2 car team. With a one car team I fit new parts every race and every other race a new engine. For a two car team also new parts every race but one race the first car gets a new engine and the next race the other car gets the new engine.
medal 5000
11 years 13 days ago
I don't spy, I used to but I don't think its worth it. I also replace every part after each race apart from the engine, which I do every other race, also, to lower the ammont of mechanics and engineers, I replace 1 engine one race and the other the next, this is so I don't have to employ as many mechanics.
medal 5000
11 years 13 days ago
thnx for the tips. i'm going to try it. Conclusion: im not going to clone and focus on next year
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