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New header and menu update

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medal 5441 CEO & CTO
4 years 151 days ago (Last edited by Jack Basford 4 years 148 days ago)
As many of you will have noticed, there have been changes to the in-game header and menu layout in the last 48 hours.

Why were these changes made? The aim of this update is a more logical layout of information and simplifying / de-cluttering the menu. A partner organisation we work with who specialise in game design demonstrated that the old menu was likely overwhelming for new players especially, and that not all of the information was grouped in a coherent way. We agreed with their assessment and the data they presented on this drove us to make this change.

New account profile

In the header (top right corner):

  • Profile picture is visible as you navigate around the game making it clearer which account you are logged in to.

  • Manager profile page - this replaces the former 'manager' and 'team' links on the menu.

  • Shortlist and Notes - formerly these were buried within a sub-menu on the Home page.

  • Settings, Help and to Log out - formerly these were at the bottom of the menu.

  • Level and XP are shown - formerly you would have had to navigate to the manager page to see this.

On your profile page:

  • The contents of the old Team and Manager pages have been merged in to one.

A simplified navigation menu

  • The former Manager, Team, Settings, Help and Logout links are all now in the header on your profile.

  • Standings has been integrated in to the League page. This provides more flexibility in that you can access the full standings for any league and any tier in the game now as opposed to just your own, while also de-cluttering the menu further.

  • All combined, this means the whole menu now fits on the screen on most mobile devices without scrolling.

A cleaner home page

  • There is no longer a "..." button that reveals more options, just 'Mail', 'Spectate' and 'Search'.

  • The 'Notes' and 'Shortlist' that were formerly on the home page under the [...] button are now in the header under your profile.

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