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League Search Options

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medal 5000
4 years 128 days ago
Hi Folks 

Using mobile app is there any reason why you can't add the ability to search by Race Distance % and Race Speed as well as days of the week, time etc? It's annoying to find a few leagues in the selection then have to go into each one to see the duration and speed. 

There really don't seem to be many 50%, 2x speed, 2 car, Monday to Friday leagues between 20:00-23:00 GMT.

Better search facility would be good.


medal 5045
4 years 128 days ago
I know two that race every single day of the week. Unfortunately I can't remember any that are Monday- Friday only off the top of my head. I'm sure if there is one someone will say soon:

I do agree that the search feature needs to be drastically improved
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