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Extreme Design Concept

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medal 5000
4 years 128 days ago (Last edited by Giu Ronini 4 years 128 days ago)
Hello iGP,

I have a couple of seasons behind me, not enough to master everything, but thanks to Chris Pi, my league host, i have the hope to reach the top someday.

So, from my external point of view, even if i love this game, by the end of the season every level 20 manager is playing with talent 20 maxed driver with 200 in big4 cars. Not very exciting.

I understand that the game/dev' want to highlight the managerial skills instead of being stronger with a better car but i want to suggest you one thing :

We should be able to break the cap of 200 points with the help of our suppliers.

This way, we could have some extreme cars by the end of the season but this "boost" should come at a cost.

For ex : 

I choose 200 +15 in ACC but tyre overheat is increased for the race.

I choose 200 + 15 DOWNFORCE but tyre wear is increased for the race.

The cost of an extreme design should be high enough to let you think if it's a good idea to go extreme. Maybe it's a better idea to keep a more common car for the rest of the season, maybe it can help you for the last races, creating a more challenging end of season.

Maybe, just and idea, your CC strength can also help you to improve your benefits in this extreme design or perhaps reduce the loss you will suffer.

This way, you can have the car that suits your style, giving more power to our supplier, maybe helping in tyres balance, keeping the main game as it is but with some spices for the end of the season or whenever a manager reach the cap.

With a good manager, mastering every parts of the game, knowing when and where to go extreme it can be very nice.
What do you think about it ?

I'm open minded. If it sucks i can hear it no prob ?

medal 5000
4 years 128 days ago
I'm happy with the current car design/ research system now. An extremely complex system will produce many bugs for the game. I don't see any point to change it. 
REMIND: average 30 secs behind the winner is actually very slow for a L16 manager, probably you will be the last in some of other leagues (elite tier). Your reputation is high means nothing because your league average reputation has helped you to gain reputation fastly especially there's always only few managers setup for the races in the league (it showed how broken the HOF system is). So keep improving, definitely you still haven't figure out something about the game.
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