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End Of The Seasons Rewards HOF

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medal 5000
4 years 123 days ago
Disappointed to see you said that.

Replied: "As it happens in some real life competition or championship (as F1) if you start giving more resources to the winner, most possibly he’ll be even stronger and hard to beat."
Ans: There is a limitation resources when we reached L20 so we won't become stronger anymore. 
Replied: "So little by little the competition becomes boring and the UX is dramatically affected. We’ve reasons to say this and don’t apply a monetary reward to the best teams."
Ans: More hardworking teams deserve higher end-season rewards in the season of the HOF. Weaker teams don't deserve more resources and prize money because they don't even understand the game. But how come end-season rewards of the HOF is even lower than daily rewards??!! Really frustrated when I had just received 421k (even lower than daily rewards a lot) after finished 64th in world standing S4. Should deserve more than that a lot although the whole HOF system has been broken but managers who reached inside top 100 in world, surely they have at least some of the managerial skills and the understanding about the game inside their mind. Low prize awards for top teams won't make weaker teams to get closer to top teams because top teams still perform like top teams, weak teams still perform like weak teams, it also make ZERO attraction for managers to get inside top 100 in world. I don't understand you.

Conclusion, the end of the season rewards of HOF should get adjusted higher a lot. No point to get only 421k after reaching top hundred in world standing after a lot of hardworks.
medal 5021 Super Mod
4 years 123 days ago
"So little by little the competition becomes boring..."

HoF could give infinite money, it wouldn't change anything about how funny/strong the competition is. People make a League fun and competitive, if you think game isn't awarding enough, it's time to try something else.
medal 5000
4 years 122 days ago

"So little by little the competition becomes boring..."

HoF could give infinite money, it wouldn't change anything about how funny/strong the competition is. People make a League fun and competitive, if you think game isn't awarding enough, it's time to try something else.

Hello Gustavo,

Replied means what Jose was saying in another latest post.
Answer means I replied him with my message.
If you dunno, plz check back the another post of end of season awards. You probably misunderstood what I was saying.????
medal 5021 Super Mod
4 years 121 days ago
I wanted to comment on that bit  =)
medal 5000
4 years 120 days ago
Maybe reverse the rewards so that it gives money to the people who need it the most, and so that the noobs can improve
medal 5000
4 years 120 days ago
Maybe reverse the rewards so that it gives money to the people who need it the most, and so that the noobs can improve

Are you Jose's spy? As I said, giving money to noobs, noobs still can't improve because they don't even understand the game. Don't waste resources and money to noobs. Although gave money to them to improve and max all the facilities, but they still don't even know how to use the facilities and all the resources which is given by the game to improve their skills.
Top managers always deserve high rewards and the best resources! But they only received prize money which is even less than daily rewards after reaching top 100 in world standing. Probably the whole HOF system need to get changed.
medal 5000
4 years 118 days ago (Last edited by CenSy Tan 4 years 118 days ago)
Reset all Reputation to 5000 every new season and add a filter called: League. For leagues leaderboard give money to the Top 5 in Rookie, Top 10 in Pro and Top 20 in Elite. I will add a new thread discussing this but for Development add something like an R&D tree. I also suggest giving rewards to everyone, and decreasing the money given gradually over time
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