Leon James medal 5000 13 years 74 days ago
I was thinking about how unrewarding it can be to win races/championships. I understand the reason for not rewarding success is game-balance but not all rewards need alter balance.
[*]Driver Rename Token - Reward for Driver\'s Championship?
[*]Driver/Staff Nationality Change Token
[*]Age Reduction Token - limited to 3 per person e.g. Can only use on a particular driver 3 times ever
[*]Stat Adjustment Token - Can adjust one driver stat by +1 but must adjust another by -1. (within limits)
Unknown medal 0 13 years 74 days ago
I like the idea of the stat Adjust Token.
and i agree 100%
If your not in a league with friends or people who make the competition \"Fun\"
It\'s easy to get bored.
More acheivements and rewards for winning races and championships... That will keep pro+ Managers.

Gisty McGisterson medal 5000 13 years 74 days ago
Anything like the age reduction or stat adjustment suggestion would just end up being abused tbqh.

Leon James medal 5000 13 years 70 days ago
Well the purpose of this thread is to brainstorm rewards that could not be abused and would not imbalance gameplay. Hence the restrictions/limitations on the stat adjust and age modification reawrd suggestions.

Dominik Photato medal 5000 13 years 68 days ago
How is prize money better? When taking a good look at the finances one realizes, that it\'s nearly impossible to get in debt, when just having the tiniest amount of logic.
I\'m earning at least 6mil. per race (without objectives money) and my expenses don\'t extend 2mil (and that only when spending 700k+ for refitting parts every race). That makes at least 4mil plus per race. At the end of the season I will be able to afford the Level 8 facilities (which won\'t be available to me until end of next season, I guess) and after that the only things getting more expensive are driver- and staff-fees.
So except for saying \'hey, I have 300mil on my bank account\', prize money won\'t be good for anything. It doesn\'t give you any advantage as you cannot spend more money anyway.
I understand when everyone should have the same chances, but not giving anything for success makes the game simply boring, as nothing is to achieve. I advanced to Pro now, wow. Nothing changed here. The cars are the same, performance is the same... I don\'t see it as a reward to race in Pro, it\'s just the opposite, as I now have just 5 rivaling teams instead of 15. Advancing in Elite even makes it worse in the beginning, as even less people will be there.
This needs a massive rebalance and the different Tiers should not only be what they are, but give you actual new features. Some things need to be limited to Pro and Elite, like only allow one weak engine and tyre supplier in the Rooke tier and allow the other options (with better balance) only in higher tiers.
You should not forget, that racing is meant to be competition. The current behaviour of the game reminds me more of communism. No one should get an advantage, no one is supposed to stand out.
I think I totally lost myself here, this isn\'t really what this thread was about, but still, general rewards are as important and needed as specific awards for winning races and championships. Else I guess, no one will stay all to long here.

Leon James medal 5000 13 years 68 days ago
I completely agree with Dominik. For example, I haven\'t purchased the commerce facility because I have no need for the additional money.
This might not be the ideal thread to make this suggestion but I believe that the cost of refitting a part should be proportional to the design performance of that part. So a Rear Wing with a design performance of 80% should be a lot more expensive to fit than a Rear wing with a design performance of 20%.