We need keep commenting on this thread until Jose reconsider this suggestion, otherwise he will just ignore more great ideas and throw them into the trash bin of iGP Manager. Our reputation system need a huge revolution!
Wont happen. Right now anyway, I would hazard a guess at.
My people watching self can see that with the number of threads about this in under two months, it is natural that the mods and devs will dig in and keep saying no. Simply because that was their first answer and THE MATTER is getting annoying to them.
My advice would be to wait for at least 6 months (yes, that long) before one person alone (yes, that many) posts one thread about this. That one person being the only one who interacts with the mods after posting. You may even get a result if you do that...
Very bad that Jose has banned Dome again and neglected all of the great ideas by closing many of threads without any reason (I saw he did that towards many threads today). Maybe he will close this thread in very soon of near future... I've no idea why he doesn't want the game to have better gaming experience and neglect all the great suggestions...in my opinion, we need some moderators to help us to speak something about agreeing us by posting thread at here...otherwise this suggestion won't get any attraction from the devs team.
Let me explain my full thinking here.
1. The devs made these changes less than 6 months ago and will want more time to guage everything in all aspects properly before they make another move.
2. There is, psychologically, something that smacks of the parable of the boy who cried wolf about all of these threads about this matter. That means that mods will now just be looking at the title and ignoring it. This is standard psycology and what my previous suggestion addresses.
3. after all of the works that have been done recently, if devs will not want to be changing something, that is their perogative, for a while, at least.