Maciej Fischer medal 5000 11 years 38 days ago
Hi guys,
I am wondering if any of you know the way how to get around the autosport submistion?
I know that you can ismply buy it but there might be other way ;)

Jay Maharath medal 5000 11 years 38 days ago
Using private browser could work I believe, so autosport won't count the page views each time.

Jaap Grolleman medal 5000 11 years 36 days ago
Do you always expect the things you like for free?
I think the Autosport subscription is well worth it. Fantastic opinion and news coverage.

Brendan Evans medal 5000 11 years 36 days ago (edited 11 years 36 days ago)
I have the subscription, just the online one, I find it perfect you get the reports and specials etc. I highly recommend it. Some of the A+ articles are hit and miss, but for an F1 fan some of them can be very interesting reads.

Maciej Fischer medal 5000 11 years 36 days ago
No i dont always expect things to be free, but its always better to ask dotnt you thiink?
does anybody have paper sub?
i am wondering which one to get
do they ship paper werion to all countires?

Bernard Jazz medal 5000 11 years 28 days ago
Bit of a late reply.
http://uk.eurosport.yahoo.com/formula-1/ get their articles from Autosport and there's no click limit.