Dan Wells medal 5041 4 years 116 days ago
I think the design balancing needs to be addressed, I joined a new league recently so accept the penalties but when my car was reset it was miles off the development of competitors cars and I was given half the development point I would earn per race. The season was 5 races in. I would like to suggest the car development when changing is as if when a new season starts and a fair allocation of design points based on my design levels. I’m not saying the full allocation over the missed races as that wouldn’t be fair to those who started but enough development so that my cars are comparatively competitive
Kevin Bissell medal 5000 Super Mod 4 years 116 days ago
IMHO this is a great idea (not sure why the downvotes) and is something I suggested a good few years ago. I got nowhere with it so dropped it, but seeing as it hasn't been mentioned for such a long time maybe this time the Devs will consider the benefits again.
I agree with you, when entering a league, regardless of the timing you should get the same design as if you were entering during the season break. That is, your design will be based on your active CD and the number of races in the previous season. No additional points would be awarded.
For anyone joining during the break it would be no different to the current situation, you will have a competitive but not overpowered design (the devs need to fix the bug). After one race you will be slightly behind, after two slightly more etc. This way your car becomes progressively less competitive the later in the season you join which prevents latecomers to the league from influencing a title battle between the established teams.
I know that José reads all of the forum threads, hopefully your idea will find its way to the devs for consideration.
Account One medal 5000 4 years 116 days ago
I'd have it as (CD Progress last sesson)+(CD Progress for races so far*2), so for a 15 race season joined 5 races in you would have 75/50/25, or something similar. Just enough to make the certain relegation not so certain.
Benjiman Kraul medal 5000 4 years 116 days ago
I always lose to a guy 1 level ahead of me my car is tops in all category’s but 1vand not far behind in that but I seem to never win maybe 1_2 in a whole season like if it rains and he can’t log on and I do to put wet tires on but otherwise he wins every race often times with a harder tire running faster laps than a soft tire idk what I’m doing wrong also why if wins most races is he not moved to elite I went from rookie to pro in one season of winning but consistently lose to this guy I’m using the spy thing to gain 3-4 extra points to his 1 advantage he has on level being higher and keep my levels just at his if I can or 1_ higher so he can’t get levels on me
Kevin Bissell medal 5000 Super Mod 4 years 116 days ago
He is currently leading the Pro tier and you are second. The reason he's not being promoted is the same reason you're not... there are insufficient teams in the Pro tier to trigger promotion and relegation. However, this has nothing to do with Dan's original post which talks about design balancing when joining a league.
I think your suggestion doesn't add up, the joining manager would be much too powerful.
Your suggested CD x 2 for each completed race = 6/4/2 (total 32) whereas a L20 manager is only gaining about 26 dp per race (20 Design HQ + 6 Research)
You are correct in saying after 5 races you would join with a design of 75/50/25 (total 400 dp) but even the L20 managers who had been there from the start of the season would most likely only have about 370dp in total.
This would result in the joining manager having a better design than the established teams. And we all know the upset that this causes.
Account One medal 5000 4 years 115 days ago
Ahhh... Sorry I did my maths with Lvl 17-18 research (around 12-15 points/race for me...)
Believe me I know the upset!
Dan Wells medal 5041 4 years 115 days ago
Thanks guys, I hope the game devs do look at this issue and appease it somewhat. I’m losing loads of money from sponsors where I’m running at the back of the pack. I’ve managed to score a few points but I think that was more luck than judgement! Like I’ve said I think the car should start with the design setup as if you were there at the start and also a fair allocation of design point to compensate for the design research you would miss. I don’t want to join a league and immediately win races but I want to be competitive otherwise many could lose interest!