You are saying that people whom have grafted to max out their HQ should be effectively banned from elite tiers?
Also, you are not saying anything about where those trams should go. Should we have an "extreme" tier for maxed out teams? If we have that sort of tier, how should we deal with relegated teams?
Eventually, all teams should strive to max out their HQ's and then it is up to team managers' decisions re. Drivers, staff, sponsorships and suppliers, as it should be in elite.
Also, don't get yourself down. I have seen lower level teams get podiums in elite tiers, even. Anything is achievable if you put your mind to it.
You're absolutely right. I got into elite at level 11 with level 8 design and tech! I was a lamb to the slaughter and only just scraped one point at the end of the season due to a weather strategy call. But I've kept at it and built up slowly over 6 or 7 seasons, until last season where i won the championship while at level 17. A bit of perseverance and dedication goes a long way
I wish I had level 8 Design and Tech LMAO
I got in Elite at level 12 after 40 races with level 4 Design and level 3 Tech, now level 5 Design and level 4 Tech. 40 races are not enough time to upgrade facilities to a medium level while leveling up as a manager is way too fast. If you're good enough at this game you find yourself in Elite without having a team to actually race in an Elite tier, not even close. And you have to try to do miracles to save from relegation. Cause meanwhile your "manager level" gets above 14 and if you get relegated you'll have ballast next season in Pro without even having the level of Technology to compensate.
THIS, is what I'm talking about.
An example.
There is a manager in my league whom could not get access to his original team, even with the help of the mods and devs on here (It was not anybodies fault), but I digress.
He started a new team from scratch, half way through a season. One and a half seasons later he was competing in and staying in elite. It can be done!
As a proviso, I never asked and would not ask if that manager spent any real money on his new team, that is inappropiate. He never told me about that sort of thing, either.