Gustavo Heiden medal 5011 Super Mod 4 years 153 days ago (Last edited by
Gustavo Heiden 4 years 153 days ago)
It's not inactive, at least now driver mistaken was removed we could notice that its effect is very small if you compare with fuel weight.
I've run a test with two drivers that were supposed to do same times (L Thomas against R Hamilton in a friend's account). With a 10kg difference there was only 1 race of 13 that heavier driver (Thomas) came ahead Hamilton in qualifying.
When he came ahead, gap was 0.137s (
When he was behind, gap was usually close:
5 races Thomas came behind only 0.010s or less;
2 races Thomas came behind between 0.020~0.011s;
4 races Thomas came behind between 0.125~0.021s;
1 race Thomas came behind more than that (max gap was 0.279)
After 13th race, I trained weight and qualifying times started to be exactly the same until the end of that season.